Ultimate Bio-Crystal Water Bottle

$ 3,214.51 $ 5,163.96

Introducing ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL Water Bottle: Revolutionizing Health and Wellness!

Did you know that both tap and bottled water are essentially "dead" or "lifeless" waters that don't efficiently support our body's functions? About 20 years ago, a group of renowned scientists, esteemed as the world's leading water experts, made a groundbreaking discovery. Their studies revealed that natural water loses its beneficial properties during processing and storage, becoming "dead" water. This water must be revitalized by our bodies, depleting our energy resources.

Their studies revealed that natural water stored for extended periods, transported long distances, and processed loses its minerals and energy, transforming into "dead" water. Tap water, laden with chemicals, requires your body to filter out toxins, while both tap and bottled water need to be revitalized by your body, depleting your energy resources.

Their research further highlighted the significance of water structure, particularly the perfect hexagonal structure found in structured or "living" water. By comparing the molecular structure of "dead" water (commonly consumed in the Western world) and "living" water (resembling the water inside and around your body's cells), they found that "living" water is instantly absorbed by your cells, recharging your vitality and promoting oxygen supply for natural balance and longevity.

They found that "living" water with a perfect hexagonal structure, similar to water inside our cells, supports health and longevity. The loss of this hexagonal structure is linked to aging.


To address this, they used quartz crystals to revitalize water, transforming "dead" water into "living" water. This inspired the creation of ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL bottles, incorporating 9 crystals known for their healing properties.

ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL water bottles enable the transformation of "dead" water into hexagonal "living" water, promoting better health and vitality. With the 9 natural crystals inside, these bottles increase metabolism, boost energy levels, reduce appetite and cravings, improve digestion and detoxification, enhance self-image, support organ and hormone balance, elevate eating awareness, and attract abundance and happiness.

Laboratory tests confirmed that water inside ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL bottles gains a perfect hexagonal structure, increased pH, reduced acidity, and elevated oxygen content. These qualities, combined with the weight loss benefits observed in a comprehensive test group, demonstrate the bottles' effectiveness.

By choosing ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL bottles, you can enhance your water's vitality, naturally lose weight, and support your overall well-being. Crafted by master glassmakers using a patented method and validated by scientific research worldwide, these bottles provide a unique opportunity to experience the benefits of "living" water.

Join the movement and order yours today, to explore the transformative power of ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL bottles, designed to elevate your water-drinking experience.

These bottles turn tap or bottled water into hexagonal "living" water, promoting vitality, boosting metabolism, and aiding natural weight loss. Scientific tests confirmed the transformation and enhanced benefits of water inside these bottles.

Join the global movement for health and wellness with ULTIMATE BIO-CRYSTAL bottles. Drink revitalized water, support your body's balance, and achieve your ideal weight effortlessly.